My Account

Design Assistance and Customized Training

Hello!  My name is Russ King.  I am the designer of Kwik Model 3D.  I am a licensed Mechanical Engineer in three states (CA, NV, and HI).  I have over 30 years of experience doing residential HVAC design.  I ran two mechanical engineering departments that specialized in residential HVAC design and have trained hundreds of people how to design residential HVAC systems.  I even authored a book on the subject: HVAC 1.0 – Introduction to Residential HVAC Systems.  I also have a blog

I stopped accepting design work several years ago to pursue other professional interests.  I am now offering engineering design assistance and training services ONLY to licensed users of Kwik Model 3D software for a reduced hourly rate (as little as $100/hr, but varies with project).

I am available for a variety of customized training for you or your team. 

Or, if you prefer a bit more direct assistance, I can help you:

  • Build the 3D model of the house
  • Perform the heating and cooling load calculations
  • Size the equipment
  • Lay out and size the ducts

I will send you the Kwik Model project files so that you can make any changes that you want.  I can also review your work and make suggestions.  After a project or two you will have much more confidence in the software and your own design abilities.  This can even be done using remote on-line screen sharing where we can discuss the project live and you can watch how I layout a system.

For more information, please contact

Important Disclaimer: This is not a mechanical engineering service. This is just design assistance and training. I am not the engineer of record for your project. I will not stamp your plans. (That costs a LOT more and can only be done CA, NV and HI.) I am only providing you training and advice on how to use the Kwik Model software. You are ultimately responsible for the performance of the design that you choose to install.